
Friday, 3 October 2008

Sezai is a MOSS MVP!

One of the very best MOSS-men I know here in WA, Sezai Komur, has just been declared a MOSS MVP! Not only that, but he's the first MOSS MVP in Western Australia!

I had the pleasure of working with Sezai for a year or so back in 2006 when I first arrived at Tourism. At the time we were running MCMS 2002 with a SharePoint seach backend and he was one of the team gurus in both areas. From that point he moved into MOSS 2007 as the team developed the site before leaving to go to Vivid. Sezai's since presented at the Perth SharePoint User Group and I come across his blog frequently when searching for answers to my MOSS questions. 

Apart from being a really nice guy, Sezai's got a great enthusiasm for his work and he's a top ambassador for the MOSS platform. Congratulations dude!!

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