
Tuesday, 10 February 2009

How We Do WCM at Tourism WA: I'm Speaking at the Perth SharePoint Users Group Meeting this Month!

I'll be speaking at the Perth SharePoint User Group this month on the subject of all things (as far as MOSS 2007 and WCM go). I know a fair number of you out there but if you're in Perth and have a chance to come along, I'd love to meeting you in person. This is the first of two presentations (it's also my first ever user group presentation...) and will be somewhat dev focused with a lot of explanation around how we things and why we do them the way we do. If you're considering a move to MOSS for your internet site (or an intranet), this session is for you.

My official description of the presentation goes a little something like this:

" was one of the first public-facing MOSS 2007-based internet sites launched in Australia and is billed as the Western Australia Tourism Commission’s flagship web site. Two years on and thirty MCMS 2002-based tourism sites are now being migrated to the MOSS 2007 platform. In the first segment of this two part presentation, Michael Hanes, the Development Coordinator/Tech Lead at Tourism WA, talks about how was built in 2006 and how that experience is contributing to the way the remaining sites are being rolled out today. In addition to touching on the MCMS migration process and the MOSS 2007 beta program, Michael will also present a whirlwind tour of the team structure in place at Tourism, the Sharepoint solution structure, deployment, configuration control, custom user controls/web controls and web parts vs OOB, the software side to performance, search and SEO."

You can find out more and download the presentation after the event here. We may also be podcasting the event but let's wait and see how that goes ;-)

Custom-Built Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Branded Sites and Webpart Development -

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