
Wednesday, 24 June 2009

The MOSS setup account must be a member of db_owner role of the content database

One of the first things I normally do after creating a new web application and site collection is backup the content database using stsadm -o backup. If you're running in a least privilege scenario, however, there's an extra step required to configure access to the content database.

Whenever I'm working interactively with MOSS in an administrative capacity, I'm logged in as the MOSS setup account. This is the account used to install MOSS and create the farm; it’s also a member of the local admin and WSS_ADMIN_WPG groups, a member of the Farm Administrators group, and I've even got it configured as the primary site collection administrator for my content databases. In general, this account gives me the permissions I need to do everything I need to do while keeping my MOSS install functional.

Despite the wealth of permissions granted to this account, I was surprised when I tried running the stsadm -o backup command and came up against this error:

Cannot open database "WSS_Content_APP" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'domain\moss_setup'.

A similar, dodgier message was echoed in the Application event log.

To work around this, the setup account must be added to the db_owner role of the content database being backed up:

Navigate to the {WSS_Content DB}\Security\Roles\Database Roles\db_owner role and view its properties
Add the Setup account (eg. domain\moss_setup) as a Role Member

I've found no other role will suffice. Note in a least privilege scenario, the setup account should not be a member of the local admin group on the database server.

I'd love to know how to do this automatically whenever a new content database is added although I can understand why MOSS doesn’t do this for me… sort of ;-)

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