
Friday, 13 November 2009

CMYK .jpg images don’t render in IE and Firefox

For the second time in recent memory I was today faced with a "broken" image in IE 8 and Firefox 2.x due to the image being saved using the CMYK colour mode instead of RGB. Interestingly, Chrome was quite happy to display the image as it was; I had to open it in Photoshop, change the mode to RGB, and save it back for the other browsers to respond. Apparently saving for web does the same thing.

Here’s the image in CMYK:

CMYK And here it is again in RGB:



  1. firefox 2.x is pretty old. Why don't you update to the latest 3.x firefox which supports cmyk?

  2. Fair question... I've kept 2.x around for testing with 3.5.x on another machine. Probably time to upgrade tho!


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