
Saturday, 9 January 2010

I’m Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Perth this February

How exciting—our very first SharePoint Saturday event in Perth! A BIG shout out to Jeremy Thake for organising the venue, speakers, sponsors, prizes, and everything else! The speaker line-up looks fantastic and the sessions cover a range of topics so I reckon this is going to be a great day.

In addition to attending the event, I’ll also be presenting on the subject of SharePoint list development. Here’s the official blurb for my talk:

Lists are key to understanding the power of the SharePoint platform and provide core data storage and management facilities in a SharePoint environment. Lists can be customised to suit custom requirements but doing so isn’t always straightforward.

Learn how to create, deploy, manage, and interact with SharePoint lists in this jam-packed session. Discussion will cover the pros and cons of using SharePoint lists before focusing on methods for creating and deploying lists between environments in a repeatable manner; techniques for working with lists and data using the SharePoint API with also be demonstrated.

Existing experience with the SharePoint UI, a cursory knowledge of content types, and ASP.NET development experience is recommended but not assumed.

If there’s anything you’d like me to cover in particular please drop me a line or post a comment below. If all goes well I’ll also be recording the session so feel free to make a request or post a question even if you’re unable to attend in person.

Finally, Diversus are sponsoring the event and their package includes a JVC video camera to be given away—thanks guys!!!

Diversus - Perth SharePoint Development

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