
Monday, 5 July 2010

jquery.jsonp addresses issues with beforeSend and timeout

On the coat-tails of my previous post, I've come across the Google Code jquery-jsonp library and it's a saviour if you're working JSONP requests. Remember a JSONP request dynamically inserts a script tag into the DOM and doesn't use the same XMLHttpRequest as your typical AJAX request.

I ended up here because—much like beforeSend—the timeout parameter wasn't having any effect on my jsonp request: the request simply wouldn't time out despite the value supplied to this parameter.

In addition to supporting both beforeSend and timeout properties, jquery-jsonp adds some really nice caching support—both typical HTTP (aka "browser") caching and page-based caching that leverages the JavaScript VM's memory (apparently). Anyway it seems to work as advertised. Perhaps most importantly, the name of the callback can be changed.

A minified version of the code is available from Google Code and the documentation is concise and well-written with examples. 

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