
Thursday, 22 July 2010

SharePoint 403 Forbidden and /bin directory read access

We've run a post-deployment script in our SharePoint environment for many years now to address a 403 Forbidden error that otherwise plagues us; the script grants the Authenticated Users account read access on the web application's bin directory and web.config file (for both the authenticated and anonymous sites).

Someone deemed this necessary back in the day and, until recently, I always assumed it was just some quirk with our crusty environment. That was until I came across the same problem at another client site where custom code (in a SharePoint solution) was being deployed.

With that as motivation, I decided to figure out why we do what we do and determined a .NET 2.0 security update from July 2007 introduced the problem:

The performance of the server may decrease and adding users or uploading files may fail with the error message "403 Forbidden error" after you install a Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 hotfix.

The security update links to a SharePoint 2007 hotfix:

In SharePoint Server 2007, the performance of the server may decrease, and you cannot upload files or add users. Additionally, you may receive the following error message:

403 Forbidden error

This issue occurs after you install a Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 hotfix that is build 2.0.50727.832 or a later build.

In the context, the problem normally crops up when an anonymous user requests a page that runs custom code; with my second client, the problem occurred in the authenticated site when a content editor with full permission over the site collection attempted to access a SharePoint list. The 403 response seemed to be intermittent but I suspect it was application recycles correcting the problem for a short while. As a user with local admin rights on the WFE, I wasn't seeing the problem myself.

Apparently uninstalling the update may be an option but I wonder if it's been incorporated into .NET 3.5 so that may not be possible in this day and age.

Anyway, the consensus around this problem is that it's caused when a request from an authenticated user without local admin rights results in a failed read of the /bin directory by the impersonating w3wp.exe process (as evidenced by filemon.exe). The solution is to ensure the Authenticated Users group has read access to the /bin directory below C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\{your app}

Notably, we've found this permission needs to be reapplied as part of every deployment and often find permissions have reset after touching the Authentication providers settings in Central Admin.

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